Hello Home Logo
This is the logo for Hello Home, a home-finding business. If you’re interested in my work and are interested in hiring me for a project of your own, contact me.
This is the logo for Hello Home, a home-finding business. If you’re interested in my work and are interested in hiring me for a project of your own, contact me.
I created this website on Figma for the company Hello Home, which is a soon-to-be app for finding homes. Here is the link to see the Figma prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/1Gz5spb6iNyL8DeBkBEUTn/Homie-App?node-id=75-417&p=f&t=U4OQzEWqfDeAn5kh-1&scaling=contain&content-scaling=fixed&page-id=0%3A1&starting-point-node-id=75%3A417 If you’re interested in my work and would like to hire me for a project of your own, contact me.
As a Graphic Designer & Product Photographer, I photographed products, photoshopped products, and created product graphics. This is one of their bestselling Christmas labels on Amazon. They wanted to update the photos of this label to highlight its usage, look more modern, and compete with their competitions’ listings. Amazon requires a plain white background for …
This is my e-commerce brand, Aruga Designs. I achieved Star Seller status by quick & efficient handling of customers. So far, since launching this business, I have achieved a 197% growth rate. I create all my own designs and compelling visuals and market them with SEO to drive visibility and a current 3.6% conversion rate. …
I created this logo for my Filipino-American e-commerce brand, Aruga Designs. Aruga is the Tagalog word for care or nurture. Aruga Designs is a FilAm family-run design business whose goal is to teach our children to be proud of their multicultural roots and to care for others. Just the symbol by itself forms a f …
This is a post I wrote for a company where I managed their social media.
This is a post I wrote for a company where I managed their social media.
This is a post I wrote for a company where I managed their social media.
This is a post I wrote for a company where I managed their social media.
This is a post I wrote for a company where I managed their social media.