Hello Home: UX Prototype

I created this website on Figma for the company Hello Home, which is a soon-to-be app for finding homes. Here is the link to see the Figma prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/1Gz5spb6iNyL8DeBkBEUTn/Homie-App?node-id=75-417&p=f&t=U4OQzEWqfDeAn5kh-1&scaling=contain&content-scaling=fixed&page-id=0%3A1&starting-point-node-id=75%3A417 If you’re interested in my work and would like to hire me for a project of your own, contact me.

Align Yoga Studio

I created this website for Align Yoga Studio. This company was for a local studio who had a reopening and wanted to rebrand. I designed the site, photoshopped photographs, and created graphics for this project.


These ads were created for the label-making company, InStock Labels. These ads highlight seasonal and high-profit products in use. They also have to created in different sizes to advertise on different sites.


These banners were created for the label-making company, InStock Labels. These banners highlight in-use products while differentiating the different category and subcategory pages. To create these banners I took photos of the labels in use or photoshopped them on objects to make them look in use. Then I created the layout for all the labels …