I created four illustrations of Jesus from the parable of the olive tree which is a parable in the Book of Mormon in the book of Jacob chapter 5. The parable teaches about how the master of the vineyard (who is Jesus) and his servant (which represents us as his workers) spent many hours and days tending to these olive trees so that they would bear good fruits and be saved at the end and not turn into wild trees with bad fruits.
I love this parable because it shows the love Jesus has for all of His children and the lengths he goes to save and help every one of us. I think it’s especially important because for me it shows the love he has for us and for the natural world around us, so it’s a lesson that Jesus loves us and we should love others and that we also have a responsibility to the natural world we live in to take care of it and nurture it. I originally created these for my daughter’s nursery because currently she didn’t have any pictures of Jesus, and I wanted her to have reminders that Jesus is always there for her and is always trying to help her.
“Master of the Vineyard”
The first illustration of the series focuses on Jesus Christ himself and his presence and care for the fruits of the vineyard.
I sketched out the general guidelines of what the illustrations would look like before creating them in Adobe Photoshop.

“His Nurturing Hands”
The second illustration of the series focuses on Jesus’ care and hard work he puts into the surroundings and nutrients of the trees.

“We Break to Mend”
The third illustration portrays a method of grafting branches together by breaking the branch and tying another healthy branch to the tree to strengthen the weaker branch. I love the story behind this because this is very true for our lives as well. Sometimes we must break to mend.

“Diligent Laborer, Thy Work is Blessed”
The fourth and final illustration is especially important to me. It shows a woman laborer, doing hard work in the vineyard, and Christ being proud of the work she has done.

If you’re interested in purchasing the series or a print, contact me.